© 2012 Jacco

Walk-by shopping 10

Back from business trip, still managing my picture-a-day challenge (although I must admit that I took more than just one picture a day while abroad. At least I didn’t miss a day yet). The Walk-by shopping series has continued steadily while I was away, thanks to the “publish on a specific date” feature. And now… I almost forgot to post a new entry. But here it is. Different from the others, I quite like this image. Lots of things happening, reflections, banners, mannequins, the lot. What do you think? Any favourites so far? Any you specifically like or dislike? Why?


  1. Posted January 26, 2012 at 21:39 | #

    Nope, I can’t really pick a favorite.
    I stick to my conviction that it’s the series as a whole that makes it worthwhile.
    Have you considered a format for presenting the sequence as a whole?

    • Posted January 26, 2012 at 22:01 | #

      I haven’t considered that yet. On the site? Or printed? For the latter it is easier to come up with a format combining the sequence. Do you think I should…?

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