On the bike, in the city, at night.
And with this photo, the Photo-a-day series comes to an end.
It’s been an interesting journey. Taking only one photo a day and forcing myself to post it: it resulted in quite some pictures that would not have made it to the site otherwise. But… seeing comments on some of those pictures, it seems you like at least some of them. A nice surprise.
The Photo-a-day journey was never intended to last a whole year, but… I thought February 29 was a good day to end the series (at least for now). As Erwin said on that particular day, the 29th of February is actually (or at least “in a way”) the 366th day of the year. So… the series started on day 1 and ended on day 366. You see, I did manage to do this for a whole year! 🙂
What’s next? I don’t know yet. There will be more, that’s for sure. But not tomorrow. After two months of daily posts, there will now be a short interruption.
Cool ending… (sniff) … I’m sorry, (sob) I promised myself, I wasn’t going to cry!
I’ve got mixed feelings (over mixed drinks, Tom Waits would say). The series ends, and just when I’m seeing it was actually moving in a better direction. I didn’t see that at the time of shooting, but I see it now, looking through the series on this website. Should I have kept going, did I stop too soon?
On the other hand, it is a “burden” off my shoulders, first having to shoot one photo each day, then enforcing myself to post one each day. It is now time to take a break, to work on new things, to work also on already existing things, time for something else.
The job is done, time for a long Easter weekend.