© 2012 Jacco

Earth & Sky III

Alternatively, this could be Earth, Sky, Animals and a Fence I. Maybe I’m just getting a bit fed up with naming my photos… I need some fresh ideas. Some people just call all their work “Untitled” followed by a number. Some people can think of some very catching, interesting, thought-provoking titles for their work. I guess I’m somewhere between those extremes, or at least that is where I am currently stuck.


  1. Posted June 26, 2012 at 17:13 | #

    I would have titled it “What Are You Lookin’ At?!” since all of them seem to be turned and looking at you 🙂 “It’s not bad enough that we just got rained on, and am all wet… I mean, do you know how long it takes for wool to dry?! We’re going to be a clammy and cold for the next day! But, you have to stand over there and take our photo?!”

    (They are sheep, aren’t they?)

    • Posted July 3, 2012 at 21:13 | #

      LOL, that’s actually a pretty good and accurate title, Jeff. And yes, they are sheep.

  2. Posted July 17, 2012 at 09:50 | #

    Comparing this image to the previous one, I see you did some steps back and I like to say this one is better, more context.

    • Posted July 18, 2012 at 21:22 | #

      I agree, I can see it now. Sometimes you see it immediately, sometimes it takes some time. And the eye of another observer. Thanks, Richo.

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