© 2013 Jacco

Bustling or empty?

Today was the last gathering of the “photographing thematically” course group. I guess I should believe in myself more, because I wasn’t too happy with my “spring” theme photos, but critiques were very positive. It was, all in all, a course that was good for my confidence.

Now looking for a next course that can teach me, inspire me, get me out of my comfort zone. I got some good suggestions for other classes from our teacher, so I’m pretty sure there will be a continuation. Most courses start in September, so I have some time to decide which class to take.

Now… as I had promised, a few photos from the “street photography” theme, shot using a pinhole camera, and scanned from 8×8″ prints, printed using warmtone developer. That’s all the details I’ll bother you with (but feel free to ask if you want to know more).


  1. Posted April 6, 2013 at 21:31 | #

    Cool, Jacco, I like it.

    What was the pinhole camera that you used? And bother me about the details, like the process involved in using it and taking shots.

    Interesting choice to use as a Street Photography camera also 🙂 In that (as it took me a second reading of the title, and looking at the photo, to get it) in order to get a proper exposure with the pinhole, you have to have a longer “shutter” speed, of having the hole uncovered, which in turn causes whatever subjects that may be on the street and be in motion, to be either ghosts, or not recorded at all… so, cool combination!

    • Posted April 10, 2013 at 21:44 | #

      Okay, bothering you it is, then. The camera used is a Zero 2000 Deluxe. This particular photo was taken on a rather overcast day. On ISO 100 film at f/138, I exposed the shots for roughly 15 – 30 seconds. The next in the series were shot on a brighter day, with exposure of 5 – 15 seconds. Oh, and before you start calculating that back to shutter time at f/16 or whatever, do remember the Schwarzschild effect (or the reciprocity law failure). (Bothering you enough already?)

      Then it’s developing, printing, developing the prints and looking at the ghosts. 😉

  2. Posted April 19, 2013 at 22:24 | #

    Love this picture, it’s surprising how the pinhole / long exposure effect totally transforms the scene.
    I’m not sure if it works even better because I know the place where you took this … There’s no way to determine this, no way to look at it without this knowledge.

    Still, lovely!

  3. Posted April 22, 2013 at 03:41 | #

    Okay, eleven days later, I see that you replied to my comment… Okay, and I now have subscribed to your comments feed, so that this will not happen again!

    Cool! That’s a neat little camera, and only for a hundred bucks (American, at least)… when times get good again, I’ll definitely have to look into maybe getting one!

    I look forward to the following ones!

  4. Posted April 22, 2013 at 20:42 | #

    Time for the next installment it is, then!

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