© 2013 Jacco

Bedankt, maatje! Noukie, August 2005 — May 3, 2013

When we brought her home from a visit to the vet, March 14 this year, we were told that it might be a matter of weeks, or at best months. I started taking a Polaroid-a-day. (On occasion more than one, but usually one per day.)

The series ends today, unfortunately…

Noukie, you have given us everything, you have helped us through difficult times, now it is time for you to rest. Thanks for everything.

Maybe I will do something more with the series, maybe not, but I chose to publish this particular photo right here, right now. All photos have a date, some have a text as well. She always knew where to find a good spot in the sun, even if it were the last rays of sun for the day. When I took this photo, I immediately thought of this title. Here’s the creepy part: when I sat down to write date and title, the radio just finished “You do something to me” by Paul Weller, and, believe it or not, “Always the sun” by The Stranglers started playing. As you can imagine, it was a very touching moment. In hindsight, April 30 was also the last “good” day. So, not just any photo from the series, but a very special one.

Noukie, you were truly very special. And always will be. We have lost a very good friend today.


  1. Posted May 4, 2013 at 00:25 | #

    Sorry about your Noukie, Jacco

    • Posted May 4, 2013 at 09:22 | #

      Thank you, Jeff. It sure is quiet in our house now.

  2. Posted May 4, 2013 at 17:28 | #

    So sorry for your loss.. cats can be such amazing companions. I love the photo too, by the way. It captures the essence of “cat”, probably also who Noukie was, and I love the light.

    • Posted May 4, 2013 at 17:29 | #

      Thanks, Saskia.

  3. Posted May 8, 2013 at 05:49 | #

    I oddly felt that way too after my cat died in March – that it was so quiet in the house… which was odd, because she wasn’t really a meow’er or anything, and was pretty much always quiet, except for rare conversations and talking here and there. So, found it weird for me to consider the place now quiet with her gone.

    • Posted May 15, 2013 at 08:41 | #

      …and yet it was, wasn’t it? Strange but true.

One Trackback

  1. […] these past few months have been a sad one for us photogs, in losing our feline friends… Jacco, did so also, losing his Noukie a couple weeks after I lost Li’l Girl… and now, […]

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