© 2013 Jacco

Vase III

Final installment of the Vase series.

Having printed the two vase-prints shown previously, I thought I was ready for the “critic-session” for our photo-class. Just then, we were told to bring three (3) prints. Easy for all those digitalists who had 30+ shots to choose from (and that’s a very conservative guess). I had only shot one 120 roll of 6×6 shots, 12 shots in total. A few not even sharp (tsk!), a few not very noteworthy. Actually, if I had to bring three prints, there was only one negative to be printed. As it turns out, I like it better than the previous two, and most critics agreed with that.

So, I’m glad we had to bring three prints, not two, because otherwise, I may never have printed this particular photo.

Then again, maybe you, reader/viewer, like one of the other photos better. I’d be interested in hearing from you, either way.


  1. Posted December 11, 2013 at 02:40 | #

    I’d rate your vases thusly – I, III, and II a distant third.

    What did your class think of them? What did you think of your fellow classmates’ images?

    • Posted December 21, 2013 at 14:22 | #

      III was by far the number one as rated by the class. My fellow classmates’ images were colourful, I’m the only one shooting (B&W) film. And the vases were colourful, so that really works well in colour. Very interesting to see prints in colour after I have spent all this time working on a few B&W prints.

  2. Posted December 21, 2013 at 14:22 | #

    I agree with ‘most of the critics’ and vase III looks the best to me.
    But in general the series is too abstract too my liking.
    Not that you can help it if that is the chosen subject for the class, of course, it remains a matter of taste.

    Are the other class assignments going to be similar or …?

    • Posted December 21, 2013 at 14:23 | #

      More showcases of assignments are on their way, and no, they’re not all that abstract.

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