A bit of rain doesn’t scare the crowd away, but it does add just that bit of reflection to the pavement.
© 2013 Jacco

Aachener Weihnachtsmarkt II
26 Dec
This entry was written by Jacco, posted on December 26, 2013 at 23:20, filed under black & white, cityscapes, evening / night and tagged Aachen, Bronica RF645, Ilford Delta 3200. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.
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Older: December shopping
Might be a bit too late if you still need to do your December shopping today. Earlier this month, things were already pretty hectic and …
Newer: Aachen III
One more view of the Aachener Weihnachtsmarkt by night.
Is this a street photography like assignment like the vase series was, Jacco? Or, are you just doing this on your own? How are, or did, you like doing it? My street photography series I did sadly 10 flippin’ years ago this coming Summer, I still think is some of my best shooting I have done… Learned a lot, and grew a lot photographically. Next year, will have to do it again… And pretty much will be starting all over from scratch in doing so, I am sure.
Jeff, it is actually a bit of both. A street photography assignment was planned, but I wasn’t sure I could attend. Just a week before that, we were away for a weekend to the tripoint where the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany meet. So I worked/relaxed on the street photography assignment ahead of time. And… I’ll be honest, I always find street photography easier outside my hometown, or outside my home country even, so all in all, it was a well chosen way of working.
And… I didn’t know beforehand that it would be so crowded, but that worked out really well. My photo class colleagues didn’t have as much luck, almost nobody on the streets the day they went shooting.
Good luck with your street photography, when you get round to it!
Cool, and good for you.
Yeah, I am guessing it would be easier for me too if in some other town, locale, so as to be able to just feel, and be taken as a tourist with a camera, and no one paying you any mind… That is what I was referring to when I said it would be like starting all over from scratch again in doing so, in being and feeling apprehensive of taking street photos again, in my shy, reserved nature self… which, towards the end of that Summer in 2004, I had pretty much completely lost, and was able to shoot without hesitation, feeling a lot more comfortable with doing it all.
Jeff, “apprehensive of taking street photos again, in my shy, reserved nature self”, that makes two of us. A little look into the mind of anamateurphotographer and anotheramateurphotographer, I guess. Different locale, feeling like a tourist: easier. Bigger crowd: easier (if you’re not photographing one person in particular).
But… tell me your plan for next year, own locale, small group and/or single person? Not that easy. What are your reasons for picking up street photography again? If you are willing to share, that is.
I am not “picking up Street Photography again” like that is going to be my sole photography focus, but just dabbling the idea of perhaps doing another little Street Photography series, potentially, this coming year. (Did I make that noncommittal enough?! 😉 )
In the Summer of 2004 when I first (and last) did it, I would load up my camera with a roll of film, head downtown, and not come home until I finished the roll. I could probably do that again, even though I have done and went digital… load up the good ol’ f4 to do the series… if I do it.
The reason I would like to do another series of it, is because of what I mentioned earlier, in that, when I look back at my work, the personal favorites of mine, the photos that I am really proud of, and stand out, were results attained from that Summer of shooting in 2004.
As well as, it was a good and challenging series for me photographically. I learned and grew a lot with my photography from doing so. In that it taught me to become more aware of my surroundings, to anticipate shots, and be more on my toes in order to capture an image when it presented itself. Patience, and waiting for the shot to happen.
Not only did my photography benefit from that during shooting for the series, but overall too. Those above listed good habits and traits, remain with me to this day when I shoot, and have acquired images that I am proud of and like, because of having honed them from doing the series almost ten years ago.
So, why I think it would be good to do a refresher series of it again, to challenge and test my skills. And actually, I really wonder if the whole apprehension of just publicly shooting people will even bother me much anymore. I am not the same person I was ten years ago, that was lifetimes ago, and am a different person. I am sure I would still have some hesitation and trepidation, as again my nature is still more towards being a wall flower than an outgoing, engaging, interacting fellow… but, do honestly think it wouldn’t be as much of an issue for me, or take as long to get over, this time around.
Time will only tell, and will see, if and when I may actually do it next year. Will have a lot of irons in the fire next year.
PS: Sorry about the length… I had planned on doing what I have done with replies to Richard on his site, and was just going to write a reply as an entry on my site, dedicated to responding to you, with being able to illustrate what I was talking about with photos too… but, then, just didn’t. 🙂 But, if still interested, will do so, and show specifically works from the series, and what it is I gained and learned from them, and examples of of photos in the years since, that were a result of having done the Street Photography series.
Jeff, thanks for that lengthy comment. Never mind, it’s all recycled bytes anyway. I’ll keep my response short: understood! It will be interesting to see whether you challenge yourself and if so, what the results will be. No need to show the 2004 work right now, but certainly if and when you have new work, it will be nice to put it side-by-side with some of the earlier photos.
Heel mooi.. Een kerstkaart waardig op zijn minst. Je kunt de markt bijna ruiken..
Goed idee voor de kerstkaarten volgend jaar, inderdaad, dat moet ik onthouden!