The three previous photos of Aachen that I posted last year all depicted the city by night. Those were the three prints I have shown in my photo class, where the assignment was “Christmas shopping after dark”.
We were in Aachen before dark, and of that, I also want to share a few sights. In contrast with “Aachen by night” which was scanned from the photo, these are scanned from negatives.
Here’s the first of (again) three shots.
The street was a sea of people, of which I was trying to navigate… A choppy sea of elbows and bumps… Then, straight ahead, our eyes met. His fur was the white of the seasonal jolly man’s beard… Was it fate? Would I become his new best friend?
Sorry 🙂
Don’t be sorry, you are just so much better at writing an interesting caption for this photo. Can I hire you? 😉
I simply love the new caption, well done!