My submission for Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2014. One of the first shots taken at the new house. The new garden, requiring “a bit” of maintenance, but looking quite colorful in April.
© 2014 Jacco
A plethora of colours
20 Aug
This entry was written by Jacco, posted on August 20, 2014 at 23:23, filed under flora, pinhole and tagged zero_2000. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.
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Older: Encountered V
Well, since neither me nor my few faithful visitors seem to remember what this series was about, lets just end it. Last in the Encountered series, …
Newer: Hello
Hello. It’s been quiet over here, I know. It will remain quiet for a while, I suspect. But… I hope that slowly, surely, somewhere in …
Looks a like a nice spot for spending an afternoon, drinking some tea (or beverage of choice), doing some reading, or just sitting back and relaxing.
Congrats again on your new home… and future days of grooming this colorful patch of land 😉
Well thanks (again), Jeff. Indeed, many a beverage (tea and beer being the most common ones) has already been consumed there while reading or just relaxing. 🙂