© 2016 Jacco

Do androids dream of electric…

Sheep. In the plural.

Same overcast day, my third ever 4×5″ photo taken. (After the next, I’ll stop bothering you with keeping count of this, so hang in there.)

Scanned from print developed in warmtone developer.

It’s only now that I notice the blurred lower left and right corners. I must say that I quite like that, to be honest.

What do you think?


  1. Posted March 19, 2016 at 21:55 | #

    The corners not only seem blurred, but also slightly darker, right?
    Pretend the picture was taken in the early 20th century and people will believe you.
    Nice atmosphere and great title 🙂

    • Posted March 29, 2016 at 21:16 | #

      Psst! The title wasn’t mine to use, actually…

  2. Posted March 20, 2016 at 00:06 | #

    Nice image, Jacco… Simple, tranquil…

    Never noticed the blurring in the corners until you mentioned, now I can’t take my eyes from them and it totally ruins the whole image for me!


    Again, I never noticed… And so what, people on their little cellphones and related photo apps, purposefully make little analogous filtery hocus pocus edits to their images just to resemble that old school look (your’s truly included), whilst your’s is all natural, baby!

    *As an aside – A week or so ago, I noticed that Netflix was streaming Blade Runner, which I hadn’t seen in like twenty years, but recall having really liked it… Yeah, didn’t hold up for me, and didn’t find it as good this time around*

    Anyway… Do you like shooting and working with a larger format?

    • Posted March 29, 2016 at 21:21 | #

      Jeff, I quite like working with 4×5. Slows me down even more. The downside is that a roll of 36 exposures in 35mm format seems like WAAAY to much, how can I ever fill that?

      Funny, compare that, as you mentioned, the people with there cellphones and digigizmos. I bet they don’t even stop after 36 exposures.

      So yes. I like it. I’ve got two film holders, so I can take four shots before I have to go home and… develop (or reload without developing first, but I haven’t had the need for that yet).

      I’ve only used the Wanderlust 4×5 camera with the 90mm lens so far, but it can also be used with a pinhole. Tempted to give that a try soon…

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