Might as well make the most of it, then. Took 3 pictures yesterday, why not share them all?
So, the day after World Photo Day, I present you an Impossible photo taken on World Photo Day. How’s about them apples? In our very own backyard. They need just a few more weeks before harvesting.
Like this kne the best so far… With bated breath I await your third!
What a nice apples! Tell me how so they taste?
Well… they look better than they taste. Last year, we mostly used them to make “appelmoes”. For that, they are great. For just eating them as nature may or may not have intended… not ideal.
Mmmmm, homemade applemoes (which I am hoping I am right, is what we Yanks call applesauce?)
Google translate tells me that that is indeed what you would call it. “Applesauce”, to me it sounds like something with a different consistency (more runny) than appelmoes. But, yes, no, indeed, yes, the same, I s’pose.
Either way, I bet it is yummy good! ?