RealitySoSubtle shot 3 of 4. We’ve moved away from Dordrecht, and the weather was also a lot more overcast. This pinhole camera has two shutters: the film plane is curved, so if you want a straight horizon, the camera has to be level. If you would only have one shutter “in the middle”, the horizon would also always be in the middle. So it was designed with an “upper” and “lower” shutter. This shot was partly for me to get an idea of what will fit in the frame when the lower shutter is used. At least… I think this was taken with the lower shutter, hm, I should take better notes next time.
© 2017 Jacco
So Subtle III
21 Apr
This entry was written by Jacco, posted on April 21, 2017 at 19:12, filed under black & white, landscapes, pinhole and tagged Goes, RealitySoSubtle, RealitySoSubtle 6x17. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.
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Older: Dordrecht II
Dordrecht II. The second shot I took with the RealitySoSubtle 6×17 camera. My favourite of the first roll of four. (So, yes, two more to …
Newer: So Subtle IV
The last shot of the first roll, taken close to the location of the previous post. Because there’s some more stuff going on in the foreground, …