A bike for every tree, for every tree a bike. One evening I came across this strange scene, and I couldn’t resist, it was such a strange atmosphere, I had to take some pictures. I’m not sure the atmosphere is caught in the picture, though. Let me know what you think and feel: use the comment link above.
Equipment: Canon EOS30, 24mm lens
Film: Ilford Delta 3200 @ 3200, developed in Ilfotec HC
I like it very much, just a tree on left side bothers me a bit, maybe different angle would be better when no tree is in front like this one. Great work thougt.
I wanted to add "please add your comments, and not *only* Richo, please, others may comment too", but I guess you are the only visitor… 😉
Anyway, thanks, Richo!
A picture I would like to see in real life. I have the feeling the computer screen does not give the "blacks" enough justice.
That, or I have a gamma problem here 😉