Rule number 324: don’t show photos that are very similar to others.
Did I just break this rule? This slide was taken at the same spot as the previous one. This one has some more foreground. More importantly, focussing is just a tiny bit different ;-). If you ask me, the result is completely different.
Besides, rules don’t always apply here. This site is not only for you to enjoy (or not), but for me to learn as well. So… is this picture completely different from the previous one? And which one do you like best? Leave your comments, if you will.
Equipment: Mamiya C3, 65mm lens
Film: Fuji Provia 100F
Hello, Jacco
It's a tough call, but I do like this one better. Though what I would have tried different is to stop down as far as possible so as to increase the depth of field to more clearly see all of what is special in the previous one… Of course, I know I most likely wouldn't have thought of doing that until viewing it in post, and wishing I had thought of it while I was there shooting!
All the best to you,
Thanks, Jeff.
I didn't think of stopping down. Actually, I wanted a small DOF on purpose here. At least, that's what I thought at the time of shooting. No, I'm thinking I could have taken a third photo there and then, with this viewpoint and more DOF. Ah well…
I do prefer this one over the previous one.
The previous one is a very nice picture, but this one, I think, shows more of a personal thought and/or creativity that you have put in.
Or something like that 😉
Thanks, Niesl. Yes, I agree; the first is pretty "standard", this one is just a bit more personal, a tiny bit of outside-the-box thinking.