© 2008 Jacco

Through the dust

Let’s have an update in July before it’s too late 😉

I’ve been spending more time in the darkroom lately. As a result, I have spent less time in the ‘lightroom’. It’s the only easy way to share some work, but I’m not fully happy about this one. The print (done by a Fuji lab) of this one has rich blacks; the scan (done by me) doesn’t. It has grain. Not strange for a scan from an 800 iso colour film, but still, really different from the print. Then again, the lab also does ‘scan and print’, it’s not a fully traditional print; why then does their print have the full blacks that my scan is lacking? Probably it’s my scanning techniques (or should I just blame the equipment?).

I tried my best… I’d rather spend time working on my printing techniques in the darkroom, though.

So… I hope to do errrr… a bit more than one update each month, but I’m sure the updates will be irregular. Good to be back, though.

Equipment: Mamiya C3, 80mm lens
Film: Fuji NHG II 800

One Comment

  1. Posted September 2, 2008 at 10:30 | #

    You see this is very nice image, the light is great contrast perfect and those colors plays very nicely. This image creates for me something.
    Looking at your industrial series I must say that light is dull there…

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