Early morning after a late night. The city is slowly starting to move again. The carnival doesn’t start until late in the afternoon. All is quiet here.
Bronica RF645, 45mm lens, Fuji Provia 100F
Early morning after a late night. The city is slowly starting to move again. The carnival doesn’t start until late in the afternoon. All is quiet here.
Bronica RF645, 45mm lens, Fuji Provia 100F
Of the three carnival pictures up till now I like this one the least.
Hmmm, your description speaks louder than the picture, or so it seems to me.
I don't get it.. Bier en sgebak?
Niels, I have to agree with you. I wasn't sure whether or not I should post it. It's indeed not the best in the series. Then again, I just decided to give it a try.
So, which of the series *is* your favourite?