© 2010 Jacco


New attempt. After my initial problems with Efke IR820 I decided to try again. In a very unscientific way. You know, first rule: only change one parameter at a time, otherwise you don’t know what you’re doing. Well… I changed all parameters at once. Different film (Efke IR 820 Aura instead of Efke IR 820), different camera, different IR filter, different developer… And the results are much better.

But don’t ask me why, because I changed too many parameters. 🙂

Still, if it works fine this way, I don’t *have* to know why, I can just keep shooting and processing it like I did.

Efke IR 820 Aura, Bronica RF645, 65 mm lens, 720 nm filter. Exposure was somewhere around sunny f/16 for ISO 0.75. Pre-wash 2 min, develop 11 min in Rodinal 1+50 @ 20 degrees C, water as stopbath 30 sec, Ilford Rapid fix 3 min, wash, wash, wash.

Enough technical details. How about the picture?

Two “paths” (one paved, one water), both trailing to the distant trees. Whatever that means.


  1. Posted July 18, 2010 at 16:52 | #

    Like, digg it, it's delicious 😉

    Changing many parameters at once *can* work.
    Great IR shot, it really works. Water and trees form a golden combination for IR film.

  2. Posted July 19, 2010 at 09:37 | #

    Thanks, Niels. Glad you enjoyed it.

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