© 2010 Jacco

A day at the beach

A day at the beach.

(In reality, it was a long weekend at the beach.)

I thought about cutting off the strangely overexposed right side, but somehow, I like the sight of it. It adds to the roughness of the scene. Looks like a picture from days long gone.

But those are only my thoughts, what are yours?

Voigtlaender Bessa R3M, Ilford Delta 3200 @ 800.


  1. Posted August 25, 2010 at 15:50 | #

    Nice… maar wat is die witte veeg bij die prullenbak?

  2. Posted August 25, 2010 at 16:50 | #

    Erwin, ja, die zag ik ook. Wat de moderne mens kapotte pixels zou noemen. Maar in dit geval? Ik zal 't negatief eens bekijken… Ik kom er nog op terug!

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