Come on people, help me out here. I’m posting these shots to get some comments, feedback, which shot do you like, and what do you like about it?
Which shots aren’t good in your opinion, and why?
I want to learn…
How about I comment first? This… is kind of interesting, the expression, but maybe it would have been nicer more from the front, maybe even catching two faces, two expressions.
It’s also a bit dark, and a bit reddish (the “glow” from the surrounding painted foam). But that’s just technical. I’m more interested in the emotion, the mood conveyed.
The movement shown in the arm is nice…
Not your best shot, but also not your worst.
That’s my comment. Who’s next?
Bessa R3M, 90 mm Leica lens, Kodachrome 64.
P.S.: If you really don’t know what to say about this shot, why not comment on one of the previous shots?
Hmmmm, no. This shot does not convey "roodharigendag" to me, even though all people seem to be redheads. Can't quite put my finger on the problem though, sorry about that…
Okay, that's cool. We'll just wait for the next regular visitor to comment… 😉
Beter laat dan nooit…..
Ik ben het wel met Niels eens, deze foto geeft niet echt een impressie van de roodharigedag. Misschien komt het door het licht dat op de "modelen" valt. Hierdoor lijken ze bruin haar te hebben.
Tsja, en dat valt mij dan weer niet op, he, dat bruine haar… 🙁