Welcome to 2011.
The first year without Kodachrome.
It was fun while it lasted.
This is a (digi(!))snapshot of one of my last rolls of Kodachrome, shot (the roll, not the snapshot) in two weekends in October 2010.
Do you see a theme in this “contact sheet” of 36 slides? I think you do… 😉
So, there you have it, I’ve posted 36 images. With my average of one image per week, the next one is to be published in week 37… 😉 😉
Kodachrome 64, Canon EOS 30, 50mm and 100mm lenses.
Wow, just goes to show how digital is unparalleled in it's rendering such of rich, saturated colors! I mean, look at those reds!
Kidding… that was a joke 🙂
Seriously though, cool, Jacco! I only ever shot one roll of Kodachrome… my loss. Back in the day, I think my reasoning was, for some silly generational thing – slides are what grandparents shoot and use! Today it's all print film, baby! Or, it's what professionals use… and you have to be good to use it because of it's strict exposure tolerances… and I suck… give me the wide latitude of negative film!
Even still, I was saddened when December 30th resulted in the very last roll of Kodachrome ever being developed ever again. Cool, and good for you in having this last roll, as well as all the other rolls that you've shot and now have.
Anyway, look forward to your next post in June! 🙂
PS: Wow, they have Radio Shacks in Germany?! I did not know that, or know they were global… what do ya' know?!
It's kind of like those commercials where they show you the difference between normal TV and HD. "Look at the difference!" Well, it doesn't make sense unless you're already watching it on an HD screen, does it?
So, do you see saturated reds from Kodachrome, from the digital camera with which I took this shot, is it the settings of your screen? All of the above, some of the above, or none of the above? 🙂 🙂
Anyway, don't be fooled by the .de, I'm in the Netherlands. And back in the 80's we had Tandy/Radio Shack stores (I'm not even sure about using the plural form here. Well, there was at least one store…) over here. Not anymore. This battery was way, way past its "use before" date, but I always kept it. As if I knew it would make a nice saturated red on a Kodachrome slide. 😉