© 2011 Jacco

Giant rodent

I think I have touched on the subject before, but… Photography can be art. However, in this case, the artwork is done by someone else, and photography is merely the registration of it. Photography is painting with light, in this case the painted light is of a painting. Hmm…

Ik geloof dat ik dit onderwerp ooit eerder heb aangesneden. Fotografie kan kunst zijn. In dit geval is de kunst al door een ander gemaakt, fotografie is hier slechts het vastleggen ervan. Fotografie is schilderen met licht, en in dit geval is het geschilderde licht dat van een schildering. Hmm…


  1. Posted March 3, 2011 at 18:15 | #

    Funny, is the rat also dead, like the town, more or less, already smelling of decay? There is a message here…

    Apart from that, for the picture it might have been nice to have one of the garage doors (semi)open, thereby breaking the line of doors.
    Did you, by any chance, try and see if that was possible?

    No problem if you did not, by the way, I'm not sure I would have dared to try those doors :-/


  2. Posted March 4, 2011 at 23:49 | #

    You're right, I didn't try. Could have been nice, though…

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