No sets, no series, just single pictures, posted few and far between. Colour followed by black and white.
Yes, it truly is a mess. But at least it’s my mess, so I get to do what I want.
Light and shadow is what came to mind just before I took this picture. Light of the sun, shadow of St Paul’s cathedral, for those of you who want more detail.
Geen reeks, geen serie, gewoon losse foto’s, weinig en met lange tussenpozen. Na kleur weer een zwart/witte.
Ik geef het toe, zo wordt het een rommeltje. Maar… het is mijn rommel, en ik doe ermee wat ik wil.
Licht en schaduw is waar ik aan moest denken net voordat ik deze foto nam. Licht van de zon, schaduw van St Paul’s cathedral, om iets meer in detail te treden.
Bessa R3M, Nokton 40 mm 1.4 SC, Ilford PAN 100, Ilfotec HC.
Ahhh, look at that beautiful film, with it's wonderful ability to capture such a wide dynamic range of tones! Good job to still have detail in those whites AND blacks!
Hi Jeff, now that you mention it… that is also one of the thoughts I had in mind when I took this picture, "Let's see what this film can do." I think it has indeed done well. Maybe the detail in the darkest shadows is lost, but other than that, I'm happy with the results.