Aachen III
One more view of the Aachener Weihnachtsmarkt by night.
A bit of rain doesn’t scare the crowd away, but it does add just that bit of reflection to the pavement.
Might be a bit too late if you still need to do your December shopping today. Earlier this month, things were already pretty hectic and …
Normal people, on a normal weekday, off to the opera for an evening of something cultural. Imagine that. I don’t think that happens a lot …
On the bike, in the city, at night. And with this photo, the Photo-a-day series comes to an end. It’s been an interesting journey. Taking only one …
Night traffic. Shall I start the countdown? The Photo-a-day is coming to an end. Just as the views are improving again (at least that’s my opinion …
Evening sky. The third camera used in my photo-a-day project is my Bronica RF645. Oh, and the photos are in colour (did you notice?). A roll of …
Well, this photo-a-day thingy… actually, most of the time, the shots that result from it are nothing special. But every now and then, there’s one I’m …
Monday, after a working day, cycling back home from work. We’ve seen this church before. Twice. Well, it’s a landmark, it’s where one stops to …
There’s a story to this one. Maybe, after yesterday’s photo of my last working day at the old office, you would have expected the first day …
Category Archive: evening / night