New attempt. After my initial problems with Efke IR820 I decided to try again. In a very unscientific way. You know, first rule: only change …
New attempt. After my initial problems with Efke IR820 I decided to try again. In a very unscientific way. You know, first rule: only change …
Efke IR 820. What to say? The IR effect is good (and I have yet to try the “Aura” version), but… lots and lots of dark …
Quite a dramatic sky, don’t you think? I’ve been told by some not to overdo it. “Infrared is nice, but it shouldn’t become just a trick”. …
No need to hurry, take it slow. No, that’s not only meant as a cryptic title for this photo. It’s more. I’m not in a hurry. Take …
Yep, it’s back to landscapes this time. Taken last year, and sent as postcard for the APUG Postcard Exchange. (Is this infrared? Yes, it is.) Equipment: Mamiya …
The weather is changing. Clouds move in rapidly, the branches wave with the wind. It starts as a breeze, but it changes into a storm. …
Hope. Hope for now and hope for the future. That’s what I felt when I took this picture. The first few pictures I took were …
Last infrared for 2006, unless the summer returns in December. I’m looking forward to shooting more infrared next year, get a better feeling for it, get …
Last week I went to the forest with my Mamiya, an infrared filter and a roll of Ilford SFX-200. This was the first time I …
Category Archive: infrared