Category Archive: roodharigendag 2010



I could call all of the shots “lunch break” or something like that. Maybe it’s just me, but I think there’s something dreamy about this …




Richo wanted more shots of the lady with the apple? It’s not as big a puzzle as his own recent series, but I’m tempted to ask: …


eating, talking, laughing?

eating, talking, laughing?

I found it hard to choose between this shot and the previous, so I’m posting them both. This one has some more action, some more mystery. …




Eating a sandwich.


The lady with the apple

The lady with the apple

Just a quick refreshing bite before she’s off to the catwalk for the next show.


Inbetween fashion shows

Inbetween fashion shows

Same event, different venue. With the one o’clock fashion show finished and the session of two o’clock approaching fast, there’s just some time to relax and …




Of course, your hair has to look good on redheadday. That goes without saying. Bessa R3M, 90 mm Leica lens, Kodachrome 64




Come on people, help me out here. I’m posting these shots to get some comments, feedback, which shot do you like, and what do you …


Four times red

Four times red

After the whole story of the previous update, let me try to keep it short. This is a different shot, isn’t it? Not somebody looking in …




When is a photo a portrait? When is a portrait interesting? When I posted the previous photo, I thought I’d create a few tags for roodharigendag, …