Category Archive: roodharigendag 2011

Last of the redheads 2011

Last of the redheads 2011

This is the last slide of redheadday 2011 that I want to share with you. Next redheadday: September 2, 2012. I’ll be stocking up on slide …


Intermezzo: redheads revisited

Intermezzo: redheads revisited

I was (finally?) mounting the slides of the 2011 redhead day this week. While I was doing this, I stumbled upon a few slides that …


Countdown: One!

Countdown: One!

Yes, I’m counting down to one, not to zero. Meaning that this is the last photo of redheadday 2011. To end in style, I have for …


Countdown: Two

Countdown: Two

After seeing all the redhaired girls and women get their hair makeover, this guy wanted to have the same treatment. So, after a complete redo …


Countdown: three

Countdown: three

The last three photos of redhead day 2011. 3…


Another makeover

Another makeover

Another hair makeover in progress. I’ve mentioned it before, focussing isn’t perfect in many of the redhead 2011 photos I took. I do apologise. Normally, I …


And another…

And another…

Another redhead after her hair-makeover.




And the redhead series continues…


Next model

Next model

The next redhead model. (As a matter of fact, she really is a model, used to being photographed.) Well, I suppose you have guessed it by …


The result

The result

After the preparation… here’s the result. I don’t know how difficult it was for these models-for-a-day to get their hair “back to normal”, but you have …