Monthly Archives: April 2008

Frost gone

Frost gone

Just one hour of sun, and the frost is nearly gone. Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Ilford Delta 100 in Ilfotec HC


Standing tall

Standing tall

Standing tall. (Well, what else can you say?) Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Tri-X 320 in D-76


Inside out

Inside out

Are you tired of all those similar views of the lake? Well, here’s a different view. Inside out. Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Ilford Delta 100 …




Palindrome. “It’s not a palindrome. The palindrome of Bolton would be Notlob. It don’t work.” If a palindrome is a mirror, then why isn’t mirror a palindrome? Equipment: …


Lonely Chair

Lonely Chair

Lonely chair in the abandoned clubhouse. Why is it facing the wall? What was it used for? Was it used standing like this, or was …




Still from the same series, a different clubhouse (or storage house?) at the same lake. This hasn’t been used for years… I’m a bit lost right …


At the lake

At the lake

Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Ilford Delta 100 in Ilfotec HC