Countdown: three
The last three photos of redhead day 2011. 3…
Another hair makeover in progress. I’ve mentioned it before, focussing isn’t perfect in many of the redhead 2011 photos I took. I do apologise. Normally, I …
…aaaaaaand we’re back! is no more, welcome Our regular program will continue shortly, with a few more redheads to come.
The next redhead model. (As a matter of fact, she really is a model, used to being photographed.) Well, I suppose you have guessed it by …
After the preparation… here’s the result. I don’t know how difficult it was for these models-for-a-day to get their hair “back to normal”, but you have …
After the “Before” photo, the plan was to show Preparation 1 through 3, but… as I said before: focussing proved to be difficult. The first …
Monthly Archives: October 2011