Tag: 100mm lens

Photo-a-day: February 16 2012

Photo-a-day: February 16 2012

Good healthy food, mmm!


Photo-a-day: February 14 2012

Photo-a-day: February 14 2012

Usually, 9 times out of 10, no, 97 times out of 100, when presented with a choice between coffee and tea, I choose tea. This time, …


Photo-a-day: February 11 2012

Photo-a-day: February 11 2012

The culprit. I noticed a few days ago that one of the rear tires of the car could probably use some air. Didn’t think much …


Photo-a-day: February 10 2012

Photo-a-day: February 10 2012

Asleep, a portrait.


Photo-a-day: February 9 2012

Photo-a-day: February 9 2012

“Home from work”, the artifacts.


Photo-a-day: February 7 2012

Photo-a-day: February 7 2012

Cat, a silhouette.


Photo-a-day: February 6 2012

Photo-a-day: February 6 2012

The trees, they are a-changing.