Tag: Bessa_R3M



You gotta love the way everything gravitates towards the corners of the picture. The branches of the tree, the tree itself, the clouds… I’m trying …


Sky above, earth below

Sky above, earth below

Disclaimer: earth not shown. Orientation and perspective may vary. Objects in rear view mirror are closer than they appear. More from that particular roll of HP5+ …


Close to the asphalt

Close to the asphalt

…aaaand we’re back! Sorry for the delay. Continuing scans from the same roll of film as the previous four entries. Yet quite a different image. Another …


Earth & Sky IV

Earth & Sky IV

I think this will be the last one with an animal on it in this series. Maybe it will even be the end of this …


Earth & Sky III

Earth & Sky III

Alternatively, this could be Earth, Sky, Animals and a Fence I. Maybe I’m just getting a bit fed up with naming my photos… I need …


Earth & Sky II

Earth & Sky II

Alternative name: Earth, sky and animals I. But you get the idea, I guess. P.S.: Hoppas alla har en bra midsommar!  


Earth & Sky I

Earth & Sky I

Ok, time to try something new. Let’s hear your thoughts. August 2011, while biking from work to home, the sky darkened. This shot and the next ones: …


Walk-by shopping finale

Walk-by shopping finale

The end of the series. What´s next? I don´t know yet… My personal daily shooting assignment is still going strong, but with a roll of 36 images, …


Walk-by shopping 11

Walk-by shopping 11

The penultimate image of this series.


Walk-by shopping 10

Walk-by shopping 10

Back from business trip, still managing my picture-a-day challenge (although I must admit that I took more than just one picture a day while abroad. At …