Tag: Breda

Industrial area

Industrial area

Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Kodak Tri-X 320 in D-76


Factory II

Factory II

Another view of our industrial heritage before it is destroyed. Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Kodak Tri-X 320 in D-76


Factory I

Factory I

It used to be a very busy few months every year, when the sugar beets were taken off the land and were brought to the …




Girl with flower. Equipment: Canon EOS 30 Film: Kodachrome 64


mirror, mirror…

mirror, mirror…

Mirror, mirror… Equipment: Canon EOS 30 Film: Kodachrome 64


Two sisters

Two sisters

Red on the left, red on the right, red in the middle, red in the distance; red everywhere. Two sisters chatting. Equipment: Canon EOS 30 Film: Kodachrome 64