Photo-a-day: February 29 2012
On the bike, in the city, at night. And with this photo, the Photo-a-day series comes to an end. It’s been an interesting journey. Taking only one …
On the bike, in the city, at night. And with this photo, the Photo-a-day series comes to an end. It’s been an interesting journey. Taking only one …
Serene landscape with geese. 2… (Actually I was hoping that they might all take off into the air as I approached with my camera, but… seems they …
Night traffic. Shall I start the countdown? The Photo-a-day is coming to an end. Just as the views are improving again (at least that’s my opinion …
A house with a roof. Currently uninhabited, but who knows what spring brings?
If I were a painter (like my grandfather was), I would paint this. Or something like this. But I can only paint with light, so this …
I told you you’d see them again, didn’t I? (Strange trees not included this time.)
While doing some research on wikipedia for this entry, I found out that this time, the exception is not “your random European language”, but instead… …
February 21 2012, that’s 21022012 in the ddmmyyyy notation that we, the Dutch, use. (Sorry, Jeff, the palindrome doesn’t work in your part of the …
Evening sky. The third camera used in my photo-a-day project is my Bronica RF645. Oh, and the photos are in colour (did you notice?). A roll of …
Tag: Fuji NPS160