Tag: Fuji Velvia 100F

Daredevils dive again

Daredevils dive again

Polar Bear Plunge part 3 (the end). Most people run into the water, take a quick plunge, then run out again. A few linger, swim further …


Pear Blossom 1

Pear Blossom 1

Pear blossom, in your own backyard. What more could you want, as a photographer? And yes, this is a reason to use a roll of …


Caught on the wire

Caught on the wire

Winter is still not gone from the country; it’s back with a vengeance. Which means it is still not too late to share a wintery …


All is quiet

All is quiet

Received positive feedback on my photographs for the course I’m following (“photographing thematically”, theme street photography), both from my fellow students and the teacher. That’s …


On the edge

On the edge


X marks the spot

X marks the spot

Shot while out and about with my fellow photography students on the island of Tiengemeten. Most shots that day were “slow”, using tripod, carefully composing …