A part of the band, before they went on stage. (“The” band? Sorry, I really don’t remember *what* band…) Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Ilford HP5+ …
A part of the band, before they went on stage. (“The” band? Sorry, I really don’t remember *what* band…) Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Ilford HP5+ …
As seen on the Harley Davidson gathering: pure horsepower :-). Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Ilford HP5+ in Ilfotec HC
Shiny curves and shapes. Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Ilford HP5+ in Ilfotec HC
Wheels, wheels, wheels… (Yada, yada, yada…) Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Ilford Delta 100 in Ilfotec HC
Lots and lots of bikes with shiny (and, in some cases, not so shiny) chrome. Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: Ilford Delta 100 in Ilfotec HC
After the umpteen crops, here’s just one crop of a photo taken from a different view point a few minutes later. Equipment: Bronica RF645, 65mm lens Film: …
Tag: Harley_Davidson